Music has been a very deep passion of mine since I was a kid and I often moonlight as a composer for indie projects. I also love collaborating with other artists. So, sometimes, I contribute arranging, writing songs, lyrics or instrumental tracks for performing musicians. You can find some of my music released on Bandcamp under the alias name of “Missing Horizon”
Three sport-themed tracks I wrote for my dear friend, the very talented film and commercials director Alberto Gelpi.
This is the original sound track I wrote for the unreleased first-person survival/adventure horror video game Allison Road that has been in progress between 2014 and 2016. Here I’m opening the vault and sharing some of the explorations I’ve made for the project, in their raw pre-production stage. This album presents in chronological order the full spectrum of atmospheres and emotions that the story had.
The track “Sisters” has been awarded a bronze medal at the “Global Music Awards“ competition in the category original score.
22 February 2022
Lilith LTD
Allison Road OST
Recently my good friend, the incredibly clever and multi talented director Alex Popescu asked me to write the soundtrack for a short film entirely made in Unreal Engine 4 by an exceptional team of CG artists. The film has won the Unreal Engine Short Film Challenge, a joint initiative of Epic Games and the Australian state and territory screen agencies. The soundtrack has also been awarded a bronze medal at the “Global Music Awards“ competition in the category soundtrack film/television.
November 2020
Piglady is a True Crime film based on the story of Susan Monica. Monica has served in Vietnam, had run a construction firm and then bought a farm in Wimer, Oregon. In 2014, authorities were alerted when she was found using somebody else’s food stamps. A search of her property uncovered that between 2012 and 2013 she had hired two handymen to work on the property. She had then killed both of them and fed their bodies to her pigs. In 2015, she was convicted to a fifty-year jail sentence. For this project I was asked to write the main theme and a few sonic experiments. Given the theme and characters I felt it was appropriate for me to explore the darkest, more twisted, and disturbing sounds I could come up with. The resulting tracks are definitely not something the faint of heart should listen to!
August 2023
Preacher Boys Productions
Piglady OST
During the summer of 2018 my good friend and composer extraordinaire Fabio Acri asked me to collaborate on the soundtrack of this intriguing short movie. We ended up splitting the work into two halves, where I took care of the first part and he composed the second one. It’s been such a good fun, and we’ve also been short listed for the …ahem…”Carnage” (!!!) award at the “Diabolical Horror Film Festival” for best original soundtrack. The film has won a number of other awards on multiple festivals.
August 2018
A few months ago my good friend Marco “Caplaz” Capellazzi – which is not only a great musician, but also an oustanding visual artist – and I joined forces to write the closing piece to his experimental album: “Fatberg”. A few months earlier, he asked me to compose a short track that could conjure the cosmos, starting from a riff that he wrote for another piece named “Cosmic Modesty“. Despite this starting point, he wanted something completely different from anything he had written for the album. So, I reinterpreted and performed the short phrase with two harps and I built up some tension with an increasingly tick blend of the orchestra and voice, complemented with electronic sounds. However, I felt that the piece couldn’t be complete without Caplaz performing on it. So, I’ve asked him to come to my studio and improvise a few lines with my guitar, which I’ve then processed and mixed with everything else. The aim of this game was to feel free and experiment as only two teenagers could…So, during the session we gave ourselves the fictitious names of John and Jack…and we pretended to be 16 years old. I rarely had more fun and I can’t wait to do it again!
Quando il sole scavalca l’orizzonte
per rischiarare altre terre,
la mente vaga verso la sua fonte
e si acquietano anche le guerre.
Si fa silenzio nelle alte strutture.
Negli arcipelaghi del pensiero,
cessa il tempo delle avventure
ed il buio si fa già più austero.
Ritornano gli echi di voci antiche.
Oltre il tempo. Come di un sentiero,
si illuminano fiammelle amiche
e mi guidano verso un mistero.
Da risacche, tra le onde,
io mi sento trasportato.
In profondità feconde,
vortici sussurrano il passato.
Al centro di un vuoto sacro,
Un canto supera ogni barriera
Di rinascita e libertà è il simulacro.
Così, si innalza muta la mia preghiera.
© Marco Genovesi 2023
March 2023
Composed and performed by Marco Genovesi
Additional vocal performance by Frank Polucci